Aug 24 to 28 Intuitive Forecast
Reading for the collective
Monday ten of pentacles reversed
Jeez. This Monday will be one for the books. This card calls for us to re-evaluate the role the material plays in our lives. As if Monday’s in the office (or home office thanks to COVID) were not hard enough, the existential dread of “do I need this job?” does not have to be bad—perhaps you can transmute this to re-evaluate goals.
It is also ok to hate your life for a minute, however, do not let woes at work or with money define how you feel about yourself. These are not you. These are experiences that you are observing—how you choose to react defines you.
Tuesday six of wands reversed
First quarter moon is growing toward the full moon in Pisces on sept 2
Be your own biggest fan. It’s easy to want to shout your successes from the rooftop. However, by keeping them private, you are able to shield them from the judgements of others giving you time to cultivate and grow.
The full moon in pisces is about intuitive inner growth. As the moon begins to grow toward this point, you too should take time to quietly grow.
Take success in stride today, pat yourself on the back, and then look at the bigger picture. What next steps can you take to positively grow? How does this success you have found better serve the world? It is time to work on inner self growth right now to be shared later.
Wednesday two of swords reversed
In the two of swords there is the single woman who holds two swords in a V. Here in the reversed form, the V opens down. When all you see is the negative, you only open yourself to low vibration. Low vibration is like energetic glue, sticking us and holding us down. When choices come at you, stop looking at the perceived negative--as it is just a perception--what fruits can perceived traps actually yield?
Thursday four of pentacles
This week has us really thinking about money and the steps we can take to grow our wealth while also maintaining our happiness. This card asks us to look at what we have to sacrifice to get where we want to be? Is all the money in the world worth ending up isolated?
Everything is an energetic exchange. Material things are heavy.
Think about the three stages of matter, about solid. Liquid. Gas. Material things vibrate so low, they literally hold us down. Their energy is packed densely together to bring physical form. When we spend time constantly chasing the dollar what energies and feelings are we giving up? Are these low vibrations blocking out our opportunity for love because we are too heavy to move forward?
Friday The Sun
It’s as if the universe is joining the collective in a sigh thanking itself that it is Friday.
Get out in the sun. Connect with yourself. Feel the freedom, the magic, that it is to have a moment built into your life every week to breathe.
The universe is proud of the work you are doing. It is also asking you to look at this conditions you place on happiness. The sun shines every day regardless…are you only living for friday, saturday, and sunday?